Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So I'm learning how to tweet -- not something I ever expected to hear myself saying. Frankly, I suspect tweeting should be left to baby chicks and other avian life forms. I suspect they are much better at it than I am, and that when they tweet, there is more to what is being relayed than 140 characters of whatever is happening in the moment. Hopefully, I can learn from my naturally tweeting friends and keep my tweets informative, rather than gratuitous. There really are a lot of great events happening downtown over the next few months, and I want to make sure you don't miss out -- so, if I have to learn to tweet, I will. Shoot, if I have to flap my wings and shake my tail feathers, I'll do that, too. Let's hope it doesn't come to that!

In the meantime, come join us in a tweet or two on Twitter.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bands, Bands, Bands

We are spending a lot of time listening to bands and looking at their websites (if I can't find your music on your website, I'm not going to hire you!!) We are looking for bands for the Fun Fourth Festival -- six stages of entertainment plus some strolling entertainment needed. We are also booking bands for the two music series at Center City Park --- Tunes @ Noon -- the weekly lunchtime series every Wednesday at 11:45 beginning May 6th and Sunday In the Park -- the last Sunday of the month May through October.

Feel free to let us know if you have heard of a great new local/regional band...always looking for input!! Do you know any street performers? Jugglers? Strolling Musicians? We would love to expand our database of street performers.