Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Post Labor Day Blues

Labor Day weekend is always so bittersweet to me.  Of course it is wonderful to have a nice long weekend right at the start of fall.  Maybe you used the time to soak up every season opening football game ESPN could show you or maybe you just wore every white pair of pants or shoes you own before packing them away until next year.  These are all sweet things.  The bitter part hit you this morning when you got into the office and realized that there are no more holidays until Thanksgiving.  Ouch.

If you are like me and are in complete denial about the end of summer and the start of the long and gloomy journey toward winter we are all embarking on, then you might be trying to squeeze in one last summer vacation.  I found this article on CNN today: 12 Fascinating Civil War Sites  It gave me hope that I will get in at least one more mini-vacation before summer really is done for good.  The site gives ten examples of awesome historical (and often free) sites to visit right here on the east coast.  Even better?  About half of them are between here and Washington, D.C.  Certainly do-able for one last long weekend vacation!  And if you aren't a huge dork like me and your dream vacation doesn't include hiking all over Civil War battlefields, a lot of these cities have other fun activities like golf and spas.  Just something worth checking out - one last hurrah before settling into hibernation.

And for those of you who really did finish out the summer like you are supposed to, over Labor Day weekend, I hope you had a great time!  Let me know what you were up to in the comments below, especially if it was something fun here in Greensboro.

Oh, and there is one thing to look forward to over the next few months.  Festival of Lights!  Don't forget to put Friday, December 7th on your calendar for all the fun things Festival of Lights has to offer (Santa, the Community Tree Lighting, and the holiday sing-a-long just to name a few).  We are starting to plan now and I can already feel the holiday cheer!