Monday, October 15, 2012

Aislinn's Favorite Things

I heard yesterday that Oprah is making her famous talk show episode, "Oprah's Favorite Things," into a special on OWN.  If you somehow have no idea what Oprah's Favorite Things is, I will fill you in.  Basically every year around the holidays, Oprah would surprise her studio audience with an entire episode dedicated to giving away her favorite things from that year.  And I am talking nice things.  One year she gave the whole audience Hummers.  If you need a visual, it went something like this:

Oprah would scream.  The whole audience would cry.  It was magical.  I can only imagine what a two hour special will be like.  But it got me thinking.  If I were to ever be as cool as Oprah (This is one of those "what would I do if I won the lottery" scenarios.  It's never going to happen, but you still need a plan just in case.) what would I give away on my favorite things episode?  It is actually a lot harder to choose than you might think.  So, after much deliberation, I have come up with my top five favorite things.  And I'm going to share them with you on this blog!!!!!  It's okay to cry.

1. The Greek Gods Greek Yogurt - Honey Flavored

This stuff is so delicious.  I eat it by the quart.  It's creamy and sweet and an excellent substitute for dessert.  It can be found at Whole Foods, Fresh Market, and some Harris Teeters.


Everybody loves Redbox right?  You can use this code (DVDONME) once per credit card for a free rental.  You're welcome.

3.  Spell Tower

This is a computer game (or app for iPhones and iPads) that I am so addicted to.  It is basically a high tech word search.  If you like Words With Friends, you will love this.  You can play by yourself or against someone and five hours later you will wish you had never read this blog post!

4.  Plnnr

This website is awesome if you're a travel lover like me.  It is basically an itinerary generator.  You pick the city you are going to visit, enter how much time you will be there, and then select some of your basic interests (history, art, food, etc.).  Then Plnnr will give you an itinerary based on popular attractions that fit your interests and time frame.  Very useful.

5.  Reusable plastic cups

I know that these have been around for awhile, but of everything I own, this is probably the one thing I could not live without.  I fill mine up with water every day and bring it to work.  Bonus: a lot of coffee shops will give you a discount for bringing in a reusable cup.

So there you have it.  My favorite things.  With the holidays just around the corner (seriously, time is flying!) give some thought to your favorite things and leave them for me in the comments!  And if you are looking for some new ideas, be sure to come to Festival of Lights on December 7 and shop at some of Greensboro's finest stores.