Friday, July 19, 2013

Best of the 2013 Fun 4th Festival

Well, another Fun 4th has come and gone!  Every year, after I've had a chance to rest up and cool off, I love going through pictures of the festival and making a list of all my favorite moments.  There were a lot of changes this year, and with a 60% chance of rain the whole week we were all a little unsure of how things were going to turn out.  But, I honestly think this was my favorite Fun 4th yet!  Here is my 2013 Top 5 List (all pictures are (c) Lynn Donovan):

1. Cute little kids.

Honestly, I had a hard time choosing from all the pictures of cute kids taken throughout the festival week, but I really loved this one.  I mean look at the intensity!  This was taken at the Kids' Race at the Fun 4th Freedom Run & Walk on June 29.  These kids take the race way more seriously than any runner in the 10K and they are just so darn cute and determined.  We asked the winner of the kids' race if he had any special tactics that helped him win (i.e. did he shove any other kids out of the way) and he said, "Nope.  I just ran."  So awesome.

2.  New Block Party.

Thanks to Natty Greene's, we were able to bring in Keller Williams with the Travelin' McCourys for the block party on July 3.  The really amazing thing about this (which is also why it makes my top 5) is that the house was packed despite a rain scare and a last minute relocation.  Major props to the Carolina Theatre for providing us with a rain location and to all of you guys for still showing up!  What a great show!

3.  All the bands.

So I am definitely biased about this, but how great were all the bands at the street festival this year?!  I felt like we had a pretty good line-up, but I didn't really know it until I saw all the sets in person.  Every band truly rocked.  If there were any you missed, be sure to check our website for the full list of bands and links to their music.

4.  The Field of Fun

This was another last-minute change up, but look how awesome it turned out.  I loved having a big field full of activities for kids AND the rides right next door (you can see them in the background of this picture).  Plus, there was line dancing galore - I am pretty sure the Electric Slide is happening in this picture - and you can't beat that.

5.  The Army Ground Forces Band

Unfortunately, I didn't actually get to see these guys and gals perform, but I did meet with them before the festival and I just knew they would be great.  All the reports I heard from people at the fireworks finale were that the band was just incredible.  I can't think of a better way to celebrate our nation's independence than with a concert performed by active military personnel.  It was a huge honor for us to have them at the Fun 4th!

Didn't see your picture here?  Check out our Flickr page for all of the pictures from the Freedom Run, Block Party, Parade, Street Festival, and Fireworks.  Also, search #Fun4th and #FunFourth on Instagram for pictures from people at the events.  Feel free to leave me your favorite memories in the comments or email your pictures to